The Valtarese Foundation, Inc. is a charitable organization that was established in 1991 by Italian-Americans with roots in the Val di Taro region of Italy’s Emilia-Romagna. The Foundation’s mission is to assist the people of the Val di Taro by raising funds for medical equipment for hospitals, providing resources for elderly centers, and donating to various volunteer associations within the region. Scholarships are awarded to young adults in their last year of high school in the United States and in Italy. The Foundation is incorporated under Section 402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York, and donations are fully tax deductible at the federal, state, and local levels.
The Officers and Organizers The Valtarese Foundation is led by…
President and Founder: Gianfranco Capitelli. Honorary Member Mario J Gabelli and a team of dedicated directors, treasurers, secretaries, and organizers.
The Directors: include Aldo Beccarelli, Renato Berzolla, Giuseppe Cacchioli (1942-2004) Franca Capitelli, Robert J. Corti, Dr.Stefhan Trauzzi, Concetta Ferrari, Alberto Ferrari (1933-2017), Rino Delcarro (1940-2021), Ugo Galleazzi, Eugene Signorini (1920 – 2008), and John Zaccarini
The Treasurers: Luigi Dellapina and Remo Delgrosso
The Secretary: Antonia Cacchioli
The Organizers: Antonio Beccarelli, Bruno Paganuzzi, Paride Rondanelli, Denise Vincini, Giorgio Vincini, John Vincini, Stephen Vincini, Joe Beccarelli, Bruno Bordi, Luigi Brattesani, Jacqueline Cacchioli, Louie Cacchioli, Marzia Capitelli, Sandra Capitelli, Andrew Busani, Dorino Civetta, Tony Ferrari, Annamaria Galleazzi, Michelle Galleazzi, Luigi Lusardi, Mauro Lusardi, Giuseppina Rossi, Sandra Varsi, Ernesto Maggi, Hilde Maggi (1941-2019)